It's more about what's on my face, acne. When I was younger I had the most beautiful complexion. As an adult that all changed. The second wave of puberty in my mid twenties brought on horrific adult acne. My face is covered.
I have a customer service job that requires me to deal with customers face to face on a daily basis. My position also requires that I meet certain sales goals. Currently my confidence is shot. I keep thinking when anyone looks at me all they can see is my acne.
Nothing I try seems to work. I went to a dermatologist, a clinical social worker, and a general practitioner. They prescribed various products that only made it worse. I've tried Pro-active and various over the counter "advanced" treatments. I have even tried make-up to cover it up but it gives me rashes. I am reaching a point of desperation here.
Maybe I should wear a bag over my head. A ski mask. Convince my boss to make every day mascarade day. You don't have to be a teenager to feel the humiliation that acne brings. Believe me I know.
Calm down. Trust me, stressing is not helping.
I didn't have acne as a teenager. I didn't have issues with it until my thirties, stress maybe. I found something that works, if you'd like to pm me on WD, I'll let you know what it is --
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