How dare you wish me a 'Happy Easter'!

There is political correctness and then there is political correctness stick in the ass!

Political Correctness: Native Americans are NOT Indians. These are two entirely different cultures people. Some dumb explorer tripped and fell on America, pointed his finger at the locals, and declared them Indians. More than five hundred years later even though we know better (America is in fact, shock, not India) some people still refer to Cherokee, Navajo, and Iroquois people as 'Indians'.

Political Correctness: Hispanic is not the same as Spanish. Hispanic can refer to Mexicans, Puorto Ricans, Cubans, Brazilians, ect. Spanish means only one thing...people from Spain. It's the same thing as the French being from France or Japanese being from Japan. Not a particularly difficult concept here. Yet when people ask me if I am 'Spanish' and I tell them my mother's family is from Puorto Rico, they say it's the same thing. Not really.

Politically Correctness: The people who 'bombed us' is a small radical group from the Middle East. They do not by any means represent the entire nation of Islam, the entire cultures of Pakistan/India/Bangladesh. They are small when compared to the much larger group they are being compared to. That's like saying all German's are Nazi's. Not true. But I guess it's easier for people to generalize than get their facts straight.

The above statements are rooted in actual facts that are unfortunately misrepresented. What gets me are the people out there that get offended by gestures coming from a good place. I am not Christian, but I am not offended in the slightest when people say the following: God bless you, Merry Christmas, Happy Easter, or Jesus loves you. I believe people are only being kind and well meaning by saying these things, so what is there to be offended by? If someone tells me I am going to rot in hell because I have not accepted Jesus as my lord and savior, well that's something else entirely. People are too sensitive about unimportant stuff. Just say thank you or ignore these statements and move along. If I receive a Christmas Card even though I am not Christian it makes me think "Someone thought enough of me to send me this card." Not "there goes another Christian trying to shove their religion down my throat."

Get over it. Like I said there is "Political Correctness" and then there's people out there with a giant redwood shoved up their ass.


Anonymous said...

LMAO!! This is the best blog EVER!! You know yourself that I dont have any religious preference, but radicals of any kind get me pissed off! I, too, believe that someone saying one of those phrases above are just their way of showing you their terms of endearment! Why not say thank you or something else of good taste when they are just wishing you the best they best way that they know how!!??!!
I appreciate the laugh I got out of this as well, I needed it!

Claire Dawn said...

A giant redwood, huh?

Politicaly correct is really a subjective thing, though.

Some people will tell you not to call them Black, but African American. Where I'm from if you call someone African American, they'll tell you they've been out of Africa 400 years, and they're not American.

Simple solution (like you said): don't get your panties in a knot over small things.

I mean when you really think about there are bigger things to think about. Like what's the singular of M&M's?

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