Changing the Conversation

Today I am a little sad. The reason doesn't matter because as far as I am concerned the reason is a stupid one. Despite all that, I know that I fully have the power to change my mood by shifting my focus on the things going well in my life verses this one insignificant thing that isn't.

I have said it countless times and I'll say it again, I have the best parents in the world. They have unconditionally loved me, supported me, and encouraged me throughout my life. They teach me by example how to be the best possible version of myself. And I know at the end of the day when I feel the world is crumbling down around me that they will be by my side helping me to get through it.

My friends, my real friends, that have seen me at my worst and still love me. Although brutally honest at times they help me see things in a new perspective I would have not otherwise considered. And they have never once made me feel bad about who I was, actually they appreciate me just as much as I appreciate each of them.

My job which has the potential to turn into a career someday. It's literally right down the road from where I live, 10 minute commute rocks! My coworkers are funny, friendly, and helpful. My management team is approachable and encouraging. The pay if fair, the benefits nice, the hours are good, and there is a lot of room for advancement. In a time when unemployment is so high I feel incredibly grateful to not only have a job, but a really good job.

My health. I may have a slew of weird issues, but they are all manageable. I am fortunate to have good doctors who really want to help me get as well as I possibly can. And as rough as it may get sometimes, I still have far more good days than bad ones.

My wonderfully amazing bunnies. I hate leaving them every day and look forward to seeing them when I come home. I actually shout "BUNNIES!" when I enter my apartment. They fill my heart with such a happiness that only a fellow animal lover could possibly understand. They sooth me and make me laugh on a daily basis. Sometimes I feel they do so much more for me than I could ever do for them.

I have a beautiful apartment located in a good neighborhood, with off street parking, laundry on the premise, a free locked storage unit in the basement, and some pretty nice neighbors, that is in my price range (barely, but it is). In my apartment I have nice things, lots of nice things that have been acquired over the years. If you want to label me materialistic that is fine by me since I am a person fully willing to admit I like things.

My religion. I 100% believe that my life started to drastically turn around for the better when I opened my heart up to the God and Goddess. As soon as I stopped resisting them it was as of a weight had been lifted off of me. I pray in a very conversational manner with them every day several times a day. It's reassuring to know there is someone always there no matter what to listen and guide without judging me. I trust that they know what is best for me and will lead me to great things as long as I continue to have a strong faith. Through them all things are possible.

I am sure there is so much more to be thankful for, but I think this is a good start. I really want to push the negativity away and let the positivity through. Cheesy, I know but I believe it works. Funny thing happened, when I wrote out this list and read it to myself suddenly I didn't feel so sad anymore.

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