Lower East Side Brown Boots vs Lower East Side Brown Suade Wedges

The Two Sides of Lower East Side

She's the kind of girl that rolls out of bed, pulls her hair back in a pony tale, throws on some jeans and a sweatshirt and her brown boots to explore the day. Grabs a banana and apple to throw into her knapsack along with her camera. A little drizzling outside never scared her. She jumps into her car to some unknown destination blasting some good tunes from the rock gods. Curious about what the day will bring.

She's the kind of girl that has her outfit and day both planned out from the night before. It's important not to rush getting ready, to get the right look you have to put the time in. Hair glossy and blown out, make-up carefully applied, denim skirt with sparkly brown low cut top, matching earrings and necklace, and her brown suede wedges. She gets into her car excited for what the day will bring.

To her pleasant surprise she comes across a secluded park. It's there she begins her nature walk taking random pictures along the way. Every once in a while she'll stop to chat with someone she bumps into along the way. At one point she stops to sit on a bench overlooking some marshes while she snacks on her fruit. No rush, she's got the whole day ahead of her.

Thankfully she snags a good spot at the mall. She knows she'll be dragging tons of bags out of here later, so the less she has to drag them to her car the better. The girls are meeting her at H&M in about ten minutes. It's stressful when you have so much to do and feel like there just isn't nearly enough time to get it done. As usual she catches glances from the men she walks past. Today isn't about catching a man as much as catching a good deal on some fashions.

After a few hours of leisurely strolling the park she decides to get back into her car and made an impromptu trip to the mall to catch a movie. She's not sure what's even playing right now, but surely she'll find something appealing. She purposely finds a spot far away from the entrance so she can get some extra walking in. Her legs are feelings that energizing burn and she loves it.

Gossip is one of the major food groups or it should be because it's as beneficial if not more so than the others. She cannot remember the last time she laughed this hard. One of the things her and the girls love to do is people watch and then make up funny stories to go along with the people. For example there was this one girl in sweats, faded jeans, and brown boots that looked completely unkempt. She was labeled some hairy feminist lesbian. It's sad when people don't put any time or effort into their appearance.

At one point she walked past this group of fashionista wannabees and could have sworn she heard stifled laughter from them. No clue what or why they were laughing, but either way she couldn't really care. This day is about her spending some quality time with herself. She doesn't have a strong need to win over the approval of complete strangers. One of her favorite things to do at the mall is people watch. Her curiosity peeks at all the different people she'll come across wondering what brought them all to the same place at the same moment.

At the end of the day she lays all her purchases out on her bed configuring the different combinations she can put them together in. Today was a success.

At the end of the day she lays out on her bed reading a book and relaxing. Today was a success.

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