Drug Induced Insanity

More from our friend JJ

Someone pseudo famous once said that when life is going well somehow it manages to pull a sneak attack and fuck you over. Although I am sure it was in some pop song that put it much more delicately, but the point is still the same. In my case I was on my way to work when some asshole came from my left, ran a red light, and slammed into me. At the moment life shouted "Fuck you JJ!"

It's not that I don't know how to ask for help, I just don't need it most of the time. I guess if I were one of the seven deadly sins I would most likely be Pride. Often people get lazy and have a tendency to over rely on others. While in my case I prefer to do the exact opposite. JJ can pay her own bills, change her car's tires and oil, and take care of herself when she's sick or injured. If you want to call me stubborn that's just fine by me since I believe I already explained more than once I couldn't give two shits what you think about me. I happen to consider myself an independent woman and don't you dare start singing that lame Destiny's Child song. Stop it! Seriously, pop music and JJ don't mix.

When I woke up in the hospital to see Brendan sitting by my bedside I was not overwhelmed with gratefulness, rather annoyance. Even a major car accident can't get me some privacy. I like "me time". Too bad hospital rooms don't have a Do Not Disurb Sign to hang on the door. If I'm dying some machine will start beeping to let everyone know, so unless that happens just leave me be.

"What are you doing here?" unfortunately my voice was hoarse which meant my true tone didn't come across the way I wanted it to.

He smiled, "Came to make sure you were okay."

"Well now you've seen me, so now you can go."

He smiled, "Oh JJ you know very well you're bitchiness isn't going to drive me away. I've been dealing with it for far too long and built up a strong immunity against it. Also seeing as how you're in no shape to forcibly remove me, you'll just have to suck it up and deal."

"Brendon if you know me so well then you know I don't do things I don't want to ever. If I want you gone then I'll make it happen."

He shrugged, "Fair enough. By the way the only reason your mom isn't here is because I promised her that I would look after you, but if you'd prefer her here I can make that happen."

Damn, he's good. The mother threat is like my kryptonite. Remember my dad used the same method when I got suspended from school? Well more than a decade later it still works. Brendon or my mom? My hand had been forced. I didn't like to make a habit of seceding, so I went for an abrupt topic change instead.

"How's my car?"


"What?! How am I supposed to get to work?"

"JJ you're not going anywhere. You have a broken leg, fractured collar bone, cracked ribs, and a mild concussion. You'll be on bed rest for at least a month."

Are you surprised I was more upset about the car than my personal injuries? That car was my baby and fully paid off too. You know that excited sense of independence teenagers get as soon as they get their license? Well that never wore off for me. I don't do public transportation. My car gave me the ability to get where I wanted when I wanted how I wanted. And I would be re missed to say it held fond memories of some vehicular sex too. Unlike just about everything else in my life, my car held sentimental value to me.

Brendon took some personal time off from work and stayed with me on my couch while I took the slow as ass road to recovery. It was embarrassing that he had to help me do everything; I felt like such an invalid being spoon fed and bathed. You know I fought him every step of the way too that is when I wasn't completely doped up on pain killers. Those were nice by the way, like really good weed but legal. It sent me places I can't even begin to describe to you.

According to Brendon I wasn't quite acting like myself. He accused me of saying some weird shit like "thank you", "You're so wonderful", "Let's cuddle", and the worst of all by far "I love you." I have never told anyone I loved them before, I mean maybe my parents when I was too young to know any better, but I don't say those words EVER. If I did happen I am claiming drug induced insanity.

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