Todo, we're not in Scotia anymore (Trial and Error Monday)

Back in the day, which according to Dane Cook was a Wednesday, I used to be a very impulsive person. During my senior year of college I would randomly drive to the 24/7 Walmart in Saratoga Springs (about an hour drive) at 2 AM with my friends. No real reason, just because. One winter break I decided to go down to NYC to visit my good friend Mark and while I was there I got my tongue pierced. I wanted it, so I did it. My bacherlorette party in Myrtle Beach I got up on stage where a 80's tribute band was playing and dirty danced. Some people argued that my overall impulsive nature led to situations I later regretted; probably somewhat true, but the fact remains that my life was exciting and filled with great stories to tell.

Fast forward to present day where my life has become far from impulsive sitting solidly on downright predictable. The other side of Laura, the planner-organizer-stay in her comfort zone kind of girl has taken control of the wheel and shoved impulsive girl into the trunk. Impulsive girl aka I.G. kicked, screamed, and begged to come out while square Laura stayed on the same daily path driving below life's speed limit. Yawn!

Friday June 11, 2010 4:55 P.M. I.G. broke out, stole the car keys, and left "boring" Laura stranded on the side of the road. I.G. drove two and half hours downstate to Westchester to visit a friend. Said friend practically crapped his pants when he got the phone call "Be down there in about 3 hours!" On her mini vacation I.G. bought two new sexy pairs of shoes because she left her "goodie two-shoes behind", ate out every night, and followed her heart instead of her head.

I.G. brought a few souvenirs back too: interesting, silly, and goofy grinned. Unfortunately the vast majority of the people she wanted to see downstate weren't available because of the extreme lack of notice, but the company she did keep was very entertaining.

The battle between the old Laura and the new Laura is just beginning...


Anonymous said...

Rock and roll for both Laura's! lol

Regina said...

I.G. is out and about now. Never stop being you. Don't battle too hard and cause scars that need to heal. I hope they can maintain without terminating one or the other. So far I like them both.

Claire Dawn said...

ha ha! I used to be IG too. For me, it's toned down, but not quite gone yet. :)

Cheryl B. Dale said...

Way to go! Meld the best of both and savor life!

Anonymous said...

Just be careful! Dont let I.G. ruin what Laura has built in her life...find a happy medium! Since both parts of you are important and can be enjoyable!

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