I Clammed Up (Trial and Error Monday)

This weekend was very eventful. Here are some of the highlights

Friday night Rita, Gina, and I went to Walmart to buy a bridal shower gift for our friend Julie. We decided to all chip in on one larger gift as opposed to getting three smaller ones. The winner was a digital picture frame, but when we got there and printed out the registry something else caught our eyes as well. We are three little gutter minded girls and this meant we just HAD to but the item entitled "Wash Pole". This was in addition to the aforementioned digital frame. This is the scene at Walmart and rather loud voices:

Rita: How large is the pole?
Laura: Do they come in many different sizes?
Gina: Where do they have the poles?
Rita: Excuse me sir, where do you keep your "wash poles"?
Gina: Maybe Julie will use the pole on Bobby?
Laura: Or the other way around. There are many uses for a "wash pole".

You get the point. We are three women pushing thirty acting like perverted little children. Is there really any other way to be?

Saturday Day we drove up to Oneida where the bridal shower was. Unfortunately most of the guests didn't show. But I did meet a four year old with swagger. He approaches me at the food table, "Hey you, what's your name?" Oh yeah, he's going to be trouble when he gets older. And oddly enough his mother tells is how he was a complete surprise. She didn't know she was pregnant, went to the ER for back pains, and had a baby. I have HEARD of stories like this, but never thought I would come face to face with one. WOW!

Then I took Rita to go see "Prince of Persia" with me. I have mixed thoughts about the film, but Jake G looked amazing. Then we randomly ended up at a house party about a mile away from Rita's house where we played a RPG type game called Werewolf.

Sunday Rita took me to a BBQ b-day party in Clifton Park. There were a slew of gorgeous gay men, funny shaped rubber bands, geese on the lake, a diva dog, and more sexual innuendos than an an season of "Will and Grace" which was on the TV at one point when we eventually went inside. (rain and wind won out after several rounds of boxing)

I had to try something new, so I tried some claims. After chewing for a minute or so, I not so discretely spit it up in the trash. It was too chewy. Ugh!

My evening ended with a nearly three hour phone conversation with my buddy Julian from Writers Market. That Alabama accent makes me get a giddy school girl grin.


Cheryl B. Dale said...

What a great weekend! Did the bride like her gifts?

ElbieNy25 said...

Yes she did. There was an encore performance of the pole conversation for her. We even said she could take of picture of using the pole and upload it to the digital frame.

ElbieNy25 said...

Not me personally. They are all gorgeous, tehy smell nice, dress amazing, and are super flirty. Then I'm like this sucks!

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