Hating the Player and The Game (Confessional Tuesday)

Apples to Apples
Phase 10
Text Twist
Scene It

Just a small example of the types of games I love to play. Last Saturday night I went to a house party where I learned two new games: "Werewolf" and "Wits and Wagers". At my house I have a closet full of games that I am always looking for a group of people to round up for.

Mind Games

That is what I do not partake in. With me what you see is what you get. If I want to hang out with someone cause I think they're cool, then I ask them. If I want to call someone, then I do. If I like someone, then I tell them. I am not sure why, but this seems to scare the shit out of most people; my direct and honest approach as opposed to all the convoluted rules I should be playing by. I come on too strong I'm told, so I try to tone it down a bit but then I'm not being me. I have this larger than life personality that can't be boxed up and shoved in the back of a closet like people seem to want me to.

Am I crazy? Don't answer that. I know I am in general, but am I about this? To want to speak my mind and just be me? Why can't I go up to a stranger on the street and tell them they have a beautiful smile? Beacuse I do stuff like that by the way. Maybe I was born without a filter or my social etiquette gene never fully developed.


Anonymous said...

I am too. People who have been my friends for a while like it when it's convienant for them. When it's not, they know not to ask my opinion. I think the world needs more honest people.

Anonymous said...

I think the world needs more straight forward people Laura! You are a gem and the friends you have probably love you for your honesty. I too am a 'tell it like I see it' kinda gal and it's either made people hate me or love me. Funny how there's no in between? lol

Claire Dawn said...

This must be why we connect so well. I will either not say something or tell the truth. If you ask a question and I think you won't like the answer, I'll ask if you really want to know. That's my disclaimer. After that, don't blaim me, you asked for it.

A lot of people claim that they want honesty in this world. What they really want is the "truth" they want to hear.

This is at the root of the distance between me and one of my best friends from school. She can't understand me talking and living by the purest, simplest truths, and I can't take the way she calculates every move, as if life were a game of chess. :(

Cheryl B. Dale said...

Truth is always best. But tact is even better.


That's the ugliest dress I've ever seen.
That shade of green doesn't bring out your beautiful skin tones.

I know which truth I'd rather hear.

Sermon over.

Chuck23 said...

I don't play games, but I enjoy watching them. Especially those who play so well, I got em all figured out... I only become upset at the ones that fool me.

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