Layla Interupted

She created her first miniature tornado in the living room when she was only three years old. Her two older brothers Cole and Joey were playing with their GI Joes and like most older brothers they refused to let her join in. A one foot tornado scooped up all the toys carrying them behind her as she stomped defiantly back to her bedroom.

This led to a very interesting family discussion at dinner that night. Although his wife knew, Charles had made the decision to keep his past from his children. When he was fourteen years old he had walked away from that life for what he thought would be forever. Obviously he was well aware there was a chance, although very small, that one of his children could inherit his abilities. Charles remained optimistic this wouldn't happen. For several years his dream of living a life free of the mystics had been true until the day his daughter proved him wrong.

Charles didn't hate the circles one bit, in fact he had made many friends on his travels from the various circles, and some of these friendships he still maintained. He just made the choice to no longer practice and live the life of a Common as much as he could. He tried to veer Layla away from it all but she just kept getting pulled towards it.

"Allan I have never heard of a child like this. Instead of going out to play with other children she is off running around trying to learn as much about the elements as possible. She has such a clear understanding of both air and fire at this point. She's only five years old!"

Allan was taking a long walk around Rockland Lake with his dear friend Charles who had come not only to visit, but to seek guidance in what to do with his child. "It sounds to me like you have a prodigy on your hands and the fact that her own element is air only means she will have a strong thirst for knowledge much like someone else I know."

"I didn't want this life for her, for any of my children."

"You ran away from home because you felt a very important decision about your life was being made for you by others instead of you being allowed to make it for yourself. How are you not doing the same thing to Layla that your parents did to you?"

He nodded in agreement. "You're right, as always. But what about my wife and my sons? They are Commons and they don't understand any of this."

"It is your job to help them understand."

Because of Allan's advice Charles began taking Layla on trips to visit some of the mystic friends he had met throughout his life. It was true that she was a prodigy. It didn't take long for her to be around those in a certain element before she understood the principals and forces behind it. Unexpectedly she began sharing her knowledge with them on how to fine tune their crafts. Her reputation spread quickly with requests for her to come visit other villages.

While at home Layla sat with her mom and brothers to tell them about all she was learning. Cole three years older than her had a certain maturity Joey only eleven months older than her did not. While mom and Cole seemed genuinely interested Joey refused to join in. Charles kept saying to just give him time to come around, but he never did.

In elementary school the kids began taunting Layla calling her "freak of nature." No one would play with her at recess, sit with her at lunch, or want to work with her in class. Every day she came home crying to her father who felt helpless. Cole confessed it was Joey who had started everything.He offered to try to smooth things over between the two of them, but their father suggested it was best Cole stay out of it. It didn't stop him from trying to make the peace every time conflict arose between Joey and Layla.

Now that speech parents usually give their children about how bullies are insecure and unhappy people wasn't as easy to give when the bully and the victim were both from the same family. Charles and his wife suspected it was jealousy for all the attention Layla was getting at home. He tried to do more father/son one-on-one things with Joey, but that didn't make things any easier. He knew at the end of the day Layla would need more of him than the other two because of her developing abilities.

Allan approached Charles with an idea about her coming to live with him and mentor some special young children in his village. Allan didn't go into much detail about these children, he only explained they could really benefit from Layla's unconventional approach to things and strong knowledge of all the elements. Charles and his wife agreed this may be best for now until things calmed down with Joey. Perhaps some distance between them would help ease the tensions. Layla was incredibly excited about this opportunity especially since she was only eleven years old. Things like this just didn't happen to kids her age Common or mystical.

Shortly before she was supposed to leave things went from bad to worse. Layla was relaxing in the wooded culdesac right near her home when she heard some kids approaching. Cole's voice was pleading for them to stop.

Joey appeared with a few friends and their baseball bats. There was an evil smile on his face as his black eyes locked with hers, "Don't worry Cole, we just want to knock the wind out of her."

Layla stood up, "What's going on?"

Cole ignored her and tried to grab Joey, "This is a bad idea. If mom and dad knew they'd be furious."

"Like I care about dad, he's a freak just like her. You and mom are just as bad for supporting this crap." Joey began beating his open palm with the bat. The group of kids began walking slowly towards her.

Without her even really trying a heavy wind began to pick up. Layla knew her energy was feeding off of her anxiety at that moment. She also knew if she didn't want anyone to come out of this hurt she needed to be smart about her next moves. Strong gusts of winds pulled the bats from all the boys and threw them far behind her. All but Joey and Cole fled the scene.

Joey kept moving forward despite the wind current fighting against him. "Do you honestly think that I'm afraid of a dumb girl who can do lame things with air? Bring it bitch!"

Layla was sick of him pushing her around. The name calling. The rumors. The taunting on the play ground. It all needed to stop already. His actions were dividing this family apart. Why was it so hard for him to love and accept her as she was? She raised her outstretched arms to her sides creating a tornado big enough to carry one of them very far away just like what she had done to her brothers' toys so many years ago. Methodically it began to move towards Joey, but Layla would have never predicted that Cole would have stepped in the way to protect him. Completely confused and caught off guard she lost control of the tornado. It picked up Cole in one swift motion then slammed him hard against a nearby tree.

What had she done? She never meant to hurt anyone, especially not Cole. Both Joey and her ran to his side as soon as the tornado broke apart. Cole's neck was completely snapped. There was no fixing this, magic or otherwise.

Joey angrily screamed, "It should have been you!"

With tears streaming down her face Layla started running. She went in the opposite direction of her home. There was no plan of where she would go or what she would do, but she knew she would never be able to face her family again.

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