Building Bridges

Connections, those we choose and those that are forced upon us. The pull between two lovers, a mother and her child, mystics born from the same element. Of all the different types of connections there are there has never been any as strong as that between yourself and someone you have brought to the brink of death, except of course for those you have actually brought death upon.

Timing is everything. If Evan had arrived just a few moments later he would have missed his opportunity to save her. Layla was taking her slow walk into the Hudson River. When he arrived only her head was above water. Without hesitation he went in after her fully knowing calling after her would accomplish nothing. They had all almost lost her once before, Evan realized it was up to him to make sure it didn't happen again.

The closer he got to her the more intensely he felt her pain. There was the gradual death as life crawled out of her body, but there was also the emotional pain as well. It nearly blinded him yet he kept pushing forward until he had her in his arms. She lay limp against him while he brought her back to the rocky shore. After gently placing Layla on the ground he took her fully in with all his senses: listening intently to her slow breathe, seeing how her wet clothes hugged her small frame, breathing in her scent mixed with that of the Hudson, caressing her face with the back of his hand, then tasting her lips like he had done so many times before but this time felt so different.

Layla pulled him into her and kissed him back. It was tender, sweet, soft. When he pulled away her eyes fluttered open. Carefully Evan helped her sit up. It was his water self that felt completely dominant in this moment. Layla's near drowning had caused his own emotional drowning. There was this compulsion to scream at her while at the same time wanting to pull her into his arms and comfort her. Layla was by far the most infuriating person he had ever met yet he knew his life would have a giant void without her in it. How did she manage to make him feel all these opposing things within a single moment?

Evan smirked, "You know if you wanted to hook up again there were much easier ways to get my attention."

Layla jabbed his arm playfully, "You need to get over yourself."

"And you need to stop putting yourself in life or death scenerios. This knight in shining armor crap just isn't my style fairy princess."

"If I recall I didn't put myself in the first situation", Her voice trailed off. "I am so sorry for everything Evan."

"Why did you do it?"

"That question could apply to so many things. I slept with you because I was attracted to you. I told everyone about the dreams because I honestly felt they had a right to know." She takes a deep breathe before continuing, "I walked into the Hudson because I didn't want to hurt or be the cause of hurt anymore."

It was then that Layla realized not only had Evan seen her at her weakest, but he had helped her find her inner strength. She could trust him, she had to trust him because this burden she had been carrying was far to heavy to keep carrying alone. Before she was fully aware of what she was doing Layla began opening up about everything. The words spilled out of her a bubbling pot on a stove and it felt so good to get them out. Evan mostly listened only occasionally interjecting questions. At one point he reached over to take her hand in his own. Layla was surprised that she let him, even more surprised how much she liked it.

It took some convincing for Layla to finally agree she would venture back home to see her family. Evan promised he would be with her every step of the way. Life is funny how all this time she had been the mentor yet now he was the one showing her the only way to move forward is by facing her past. And despite all her resistance somehow Evan had become the one thing Layla needed all along...a friend.


When Layla's father opened that front door she became that eleven year old all over again. He pulled her into his arms hugging her so tightly it almost hurt. Comfort washed over her once she inhaled him and realized he still smelt the same. Things were a little awkward with her mom who hesitated at first until Layla initiated an embrace. Evan waited in the living room while Layla's parents guided her down the hallway. Adrenaline surged throughout her entire body. Layla wanted to run away rather than take the last few steps in her journey.

The door opened. Layla's scanned the room before her eyes landed on him. Cole was sitting up right in his bed watching TV. She whispered, "Cole."

A huge smile came across his face, "Wow look at you little sis except you're not so little anymore."


He laughed, "It's done you well. How are you?"

"No no no. This isn't about me. How are you?"

"I'll start with the boring stuff. Neck was partially snapped. Several surgeries later and I have full use of my upper body. Mom and Dad made some modifications around the house to help me out. And thankfully I can do most things I was able to do before."

Layla inched forward towards his bed, "Will you be able to walk again?"

He shook his head, "Sadly no."

"You must hate me." A single tear ran down Layla's cheek as she placed her hands on the edge of his bed.

A voice from behind her answered, "He doesn't, none of us do."

Layla turned around to see Joey had entered the room. Even though so much time had passed it was easy to recognize him. There was only one thing that had drastically changed, his eyes radiated a kindness. He walked towards the bed to stand directly next to her. "Please let me speak before I completely lose my nerve."

Joey looked over to Cole for encouragement before he continued. Layla was in awe because the boy she once knew never held back his words. Joey hesitantly put his hand on top of Layla's, "An apology just doesn't seem like enough for what I put you through. And I recognize it was because of my ignorance that I nearly tore this family apart. For so long I wanted to reach out to you, but didn't know how or what I would say. I want you to know that I have grown up and accept full responsibility for the role I have played. Maybe someday, I hope, you will find it in your heart to forgive me."

Cole questioned, "Have you come back to us?"

A small smile played upon her face, "I'm working on it."

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