Alter Egos

For all the things Sarah and Layla would butt heads on regarding Adam, Evan, and Calla there was one thing they completely agreed on. Sarah had chosen a straight path from early childhood to become an elder. Layla had run away from her home and any hope at a more traditional life when she was only eleven. Both of them knew what it was like to miss out on certain experiences most other kids got to have and the regret that followed because of it. This is why they strongly encouraged Adam, Evan, and Calla to branch out and pursue interests outside of the mystical world.

It was no surprise to anyone when Adam devoted his free time to the drama and music departments. He dabbled a bit with the guitar at home, but when it came to school he decided he much preferred chorus. Sophmore year he started a co-ed acapella group that would meet up after school a couple times a week. What he loved most were the workshops third semester every year where both departments collaborated to write an original piece for the spring performance. This was where Adam could combine his talents for writing and music. Junior year he had the opportunity to not only have an original play produced, but take on the role as student director. Allan, Sarah, Calla, and even Evan showed up opening night. While everyone was gushing afterwards over how much they enjoyed it Evan shrugged and said it didn't completely suck. Adam knew that was his seal of approval.

Allan couldn't have been prouded in Calla's choices. She quickly gained a reputation as one of the most prominent student activists in school. Her main interests were Amnesty International and Students Against Drunk Driving. Every semester she ran some food, clothing, book drive with astounding results. She attributed her success to collaborating with some of the other high schools in Rockland. Off campus she volunteered at the local Habitat For Humanity. Of all the projects she had her hands in it was mentoring an at risk youth from one of the local elementary schools that was by far her favorite. She would take him out once a week for a couple of hours to any number of places: museum, street fair, the park, a movie. The actual activity wasn't as important as just spending time together showing this kid he was special and important.

Evan never liked authority, specifically being told what he can and can't do. He figured the best way to help break the rules he despised so much was to be one of the people who made them. Evan became heavily involved in the student government working his way up in the ranks. It was key to know each position in order to understand how they all worked together. This was not so different from Layla's theory on the elements gaining skills in their own natural abilities. Although Evan would never give anyone else credit for his methods, especially Layla. His original intentions may have been to rework the entire student government system to his liking, but once he was involved he found how much he respected the structure that was already in place. His knew approach was to enhance, not completely change.

Unbeknownst to anyone Layla began taking courses at Rockland Community College. With everything that she had seen in her life she decided she wanted to pursue a duel degree in sociology and psychology. It was the chicken and egg theory that Layla was most curious about: did people act the way they did because of society or was society the way it was because of the way people acted? The real inspiration behind her curiosity were her brothers. How could the two of them grow up in the same home and have had such radically different attitudes towards her? Unfortunately going directly to the source didn't seem like a viable option.

Even though financially Sarah was in a very good place she decided to continue working at the daycare long after the boys started to attend school full time. It was refreshing to get a break from everything while being surrounded by Commons. Unintentionally it became a kind of therapy for Sarah to briefly put all the worries and stresses of the prophecy behind her. On afternoons and weekends she spent most of her free time gardening with Allan. It may have taken her a long time to realize it, but Sarah now understood more than ever the importance of creating a life with more than one focal point.

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