Half Truths

Tears streamed down her face as she ran through the woods. Although everything was blurry she had a clear vision of where she was going. When she reached the tree she looked up at it with hopes of salvation. With each new branch she reached Calla attempted to leave the world of deceit behind her. Nothing seemed real anymore except this moment with her and the large oak that started everything for her.

Her grandfather was the best person she knew. He always had the right words at the right times. It was the warmth of his embrace that made her feel safe when all she could be was a scared little girl. His wisdom helped her make sense of the crazy world they lived in. For her entire life he was the person whose path she most wanted to follow. Now it was as if she didn't even know him.

When she was three years old her parents left on a peace keeping mission. They each kissed her forehead goodbye, said they loved her, and promised to be back very soon. That was her last memory. What her grandfather told her a few days later was that her parents had gotten into a car accident when her father fell asleep at the wheel, drove over a guard rail and into a ravine. They were unable to locate the bodies. What child would question this story especially from such a trusted source?

Calla cradled into her grandfather's lap while he held her as they cried together. That was the positive she took from that tragedy. Her grandfather allowed her to see him be vulnerable just like her. This is where so many grown ups go wrong in thinking they have to be strong 100% of the time. It was the fact that they shared this pain together that helped them both overcome it. And that created a bond Calla was certain nothing could ever break.

That night hours were spent in that tree thinking, analyzing, and dissecting everything that had happened. She wondering if that girl born of water so long ago knew all this horror that would result from her prophecy? All those that have been injured or killed or fallen into the darkness because of one person's need to get even with her small minded sibling. Then again what makes that girl so different from anyone else who has caused devastation to others? Love is definitely the most powerful thing in this world because those with it can do anything they put their heart to and those without it will do anything they put their mind to. In essence it is the root of all good and all evil.

Her rational self understands that regardless of how her parents died it is still the same end result that they are gone. She also understands that Sarah, Evan, and Adam were not the ones who killed her parents. And if she really breaks things down she knows her grandfather was only trying to protect her with this half truth. But she does believe that at some point as she got older and closer to the boys he should have told her the full truth. Calla needs to be angry with him right now, eventually she will get over it, but she's not ready to let go just yet.

Besides what happened to her parents was a long time ago and what's happening to her friends is in the here and now. How could she have been so selfish to run away from them? Sarah much like Calla's grandfather is trying the best she can in very difficult if not impossible circumstance. Layla is fighting for her life while Evan has fallen into complete self deprecation. And then there is Adam the boy with the beautiful blue eyes that makes her heart leap each time he's near her.

Spending each day around Adam was the most thrilling and most exhausting experience. She wanted to run her fingers through his wavy brown hair. She wanted to brush her lips against his. She wanted to tell him that she was afraid she might be falling in love with him. But each time she thought these things her rational earth self reeled her back in reminding her of the many reasons they could never be together. The biggest reason of all was that she was certain he did not feel the same way about her. Despite all this she needed to put her own wants aside to be the best possible friend to him and the others she could be.

This was why the large oak tree had chosen her to tell the prophecy to. Somehow Calla was meant to play a role in saving them.

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