Hot Air

A few hours after Layla's callous goodbye speech Evan decided that it was time someone put that bitch in her place. While everyone was still in his living room discussing what had happened Evan left to make a little trip. He walked right over to Allan and Sarah's house, threw open the front door, marched up the stairs, and busted into her room.

Layla looked up, "Oh god, what now?"

"I personally don't give a shit whether you stay or go, but it's not always about me. Calla and Adam have really grown attached to you. Allan and my grandma have learned to trust and rely on you. Big things are coming and you are probably the only one that can make sure we all survive it."

"Are you seriously trying to talk me into staying? You're a big boy now, you'll learn to sleep in the dark without a nightlight. It may be scary at first but I'm sure with determination you can do it." She begins to laugh to herself.

Evan rushes right up to her, grabs her arms, and pushes her against the wall. "You will never talk down to me again. It's time you opened your eyes because I am not some little six year old scared of your tornadoes anymore. I see right through you past all the layers of bullshit to the scared insecure girl wetting her pants and running away."

"Go to hell Evan."

"Go to hell? Don't you get it, we're already there."

His face was so close to hers he could feel her breath tickle his lips. He pressed his body against hers and they kissed. When he pulled back she slapped him so hard across his face the sound echoed. Then she grabbed him by the back of his head and they kissed again. Layla pushed him onto her bed, crawled on top of him, and they began undressing one another.

She bit her lip, "I can't stand you."

"Is this your idea of foreplay?"

"Shut up."

The room looked like a post war zone. Furniture was overturned, sheets were stripped from the bed, clothes were literally everywhere, and they were laying naked next to each other on the floor. Both of them had torn hair as well as scratch and bite marks. Evan had this goofy grin all over his face. Layla jumped up and frantically began getting dressed.

Evan turned onto his side, "Awww, did I tire you out?"

"You need to leave. Do me a favor and don't go bragging to your dumb friends about this. As far as I'm concerned this never happened."

Evan didn't budge. "You sure you don't want to go again?"

"Thanks, but no thanks. Three times was plenty. Now get the hell out of here."

"But I want to see your tattoo. I would have thought with all those piercings you would have gotten ink before too. Who knew you were a first timer like us? Come on, remove the bandage. It's the only part of you I haven't seen."

Layla found Evan's pants and threw them at him. "Get out. I mean it. This doesn't make me your girlfriend so don't think I'm going to the prom with you or anything. This was a complete mistake."

Evan slipped his pants on,"I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you would ruin yet another good thing. Don't come begging for it when you get cold and lonely later." He finishes getting dressed and walks out of the room.

Layla shouts after him, "Believe me I won't."

The next few weeks Layla and Evan keep giving in to the magnetic pull between them. The pattern is always the same: hot rough sex while slaying insults at one another. Layla couldn't believe that Evan had found a new and interesting way to get on her nerves. The sex was by far the best she had ever had, yet he still had that same infuriating personality he always had. She hated the fact that she needed this from him so badly. It was probably the animosity between the two of them that made it so damn good. Under no circumstances would she further inflate his ego by admitting any of this to his face. Despite all the romps he had yet to actually see her tattoo which she insisted on always keeping covered.

This was strictly physical. There would be no attachments and no realtionship. They both understood this. Cuddling, hand holding, and romance never came into play. When they were done they got dressed and went their separate ways until it happened again. Thankfully so far they had managed to keep this tryst a complete secret from everyone they knew.

Layla pulled her shirt over her head, "That was the absolute last time."

Evan grabs her by the waist, pulls her against him, and begins lightly biting her neck. "Sure it was. Just like the time before that and the time before that and the time before that. You know you can't stay away."

She pulls away, "Ugh, don't flatter yourself. You're just something to do until a better opportunity comes along."

Layla took a long hard look at Evan studying his features. The changes throughout the years came along so gradually that she almost completely missed them. All that physical training gave him a lean muscular physique. His skin was smooth and tanned. Jaw line chiseled, piercing emerald eyes, short spiky strawberry blond hair. Evan was no longer that little boy she had spent years tormenting. Instead she saw a man who was definitely a sex object and not just for her either. It was hard to ignore all the stares he got from other girls. Layla was selfish and needed him all for herself, but she couldn't come across as some clingy desperate girl. The dynamics between them had completely reversed and now he was the one with all the power. This was unacceptable to her.

She moved in closer to him, "The other day you were telling me that you think you know more about the prophecy than I do. Why is that again?"

Evan shook his head, "I don't think I do, I know I do, but what makes you think I want to tell you?"

Layla presses her body against his and begins running her hands down his bare chest. "I'm sure I could find a way to convince you."

"Since when do you play nice?"

"Would you prefer me naughty?"

Evan lifts her up and she wraps her legs around his waist. They begin kissing passionately. He drops her roughly on top of the dresser. "Okay I'll tell you, but you're going to have to earn it first."

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