To Whom It May Concern:

I'll be the first to admit to my spoiled brat tendencies; I have a history of wanting a lot, wanted it delivered to me quickly, and wrapped in a pretty little bow. After careful reconsideration I have decided to make some amendments on my wish list. The following has been narrowed down to the bare necessities:

1. Happiness, true bliss, smiles so big my face hurts after wards. Laughter, upon laughter, upon laughter until hiccups ensue. A warmth and lightness in my heart that is almost entirely unfamiliar to me currently.

2. Mental Health and well being. And let me specify that I don't want the kind that comes out of a bottle either, I want this oh-natural. No more impulsive, self destructive behavior. Although the occasional purchase of cute shoes should still be allotted.

3. Physical Health and well being. No more chronic pain and freakish illnesses modern medicine cannot identify. This will allow me to be physical again in any capacity I choose to: walking, kick boxing, whatever. P.S. This includes my epic battle with acne, poof be gone

4. Financial security and the career that provides it. I really feel these two go together like PB&J. PB was a lonely man before J came along, but now look at them?! My dream career is something I love doing and that I do well with co-workers I get along with and bosses that appreciate me. It also pays me enough to cover all my bills AND have some cushion afterward. I know such a career exists for me, it's just playing hard to get currently. I may have to wine, dine, rufie, and seduce it once I find it.

Any others wonderful things you would like to throw my way I'll just consider a bonus: an epic romantic love, a first class trip around the world, weekly all day spa visits, a chance to hang out with Drew Barrymore, the success of having my published work in the NY Times Best Seller list, the ability to whistle...

So thanks for taking my requests into consideration. I get that you're very busy with ruling the universe and all as you try to prevent mankind from completely mucking things up. Daunting I know, but if you get around to it maybe throw some of my more than reasonable requests my way? Cool, thanks.


Laura K

1 comment:

Claire Dawn said...

I feel that. I feel pretty much the same.

1 most importantly HAPPINESS
2. health - for me mostly a healthy weight
3. I feel like this is tied up in happiness, but I kind of like being bipolar sometimes. Call me crazy :)
4. Not being in a 9-5.

Good luck!

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