Less money, mo problems

My boss is out for a week because of a family emergency, so we get the awesome office substitute Sue. Sue is full of insight both professionally and personally, good people. She suggested I blog about my job search efforts.

Everyday I search the following websites:


I have literally applied for over a hundred jobs at this point. I have had three interviews: MVP Healthcare, East Greenbush Chiropractic, and CSC. sadly I don't think I'm any closer to finding a job than I was when I started this entire process.

My deadline is Nov 1st when my current boss drops me beacuse "She can't afford to keep me on." Let me explain the BS of that situation. The last Monday in June I tried to do the forthright thing by opening up to my boss about my divorce and explaining I will need to make more money to support myself. Here are the facts: I have worked there over a year, I'm the only full time staff person so therefore I put in the most man hours, I have been the office leader in sales for all on 2010, do 90% of all admin work, and have stepped up to bat without hesitation on countless occasions when my boss had personal issues going on. She flat out refused to even discuss the option of a raise and told me I should start looking elsewhere. I promise her because of stuff she has going on I'll stay no matter what until at least September. Less than a month later the part-timer quits. We're only a three man operation, so my boss scrambles to find someone. Now logically she should have replaced the art time position that was vacant, but 1/2 way through the summer she hires my replacement and then tells me she can't afford to keep both of us on. I am stuck training the new person who also happens to be the reason for my impending unemployment. I like her, but there's a small side of resentment lingering. I get that it's not her fault, but still. So I have a deadline of Nov 1st where if I don't find something by then my boss is letting me go.

As if I didn't have enough stress going on. Any advice and/or suggestions for how to amp up my job search?


Anonymous said...

I know it sucks, but going to a temp agency is better than nothing. At least you can have some what of an income coming in and the possibility of getting hired as a full time employee. With the impending holiday season, that's sure to make your search a little easier. If nothing else, take a seasonal job and use that until January to continue your "actual" job search.

Anonymous said...

Also, it's not about what you know, it's about who you know. Try networking and see what you can come up with. That's the only reason why I got the job I have today.

Cheryl B. Dale said...

Makes me mad for you. Yep, been in the position where you're training a replacement and it ain't fun!

Jobs are scarce right now unfortunately. Keep searching the ads and networking like ML suggests.

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