The Girl I Once Was

The girl I once was would stare out her bedroom window at the neighborhood kids playing in the street. She wanted to belong but knew that she didn't. She wanted to be like them but knew she wasn't. Most of all she wanted them to accept her but knew they wouldn't.

The girl I once was believed her flaws were so much larger than everyone elses and her strengths so much smaller. She often wondered why everyone around her had been given the gift of talent yet her box was empty. What made her special? Perhaps she wasn't special at all.

The girl I once was didn't know what love was. Because her roots had never been planted with self love she was never able to bloom. She sought love, acceptance, and a sense of value in others who were so poisoned they strangled her fragile self. Pieces of her broke off like weak branches to the ground.

The girl I once was used to dream big dreams. Her heart would fill with hope for a life other than the one she was living. Happily Ever After, just add water, and watch it become all you want it to be. But these dreams were shoved into a tiny little shoe box and kept hidden underneath her bed. She was afraid that if she shared them then they would never come true.

The girl I once was one day stumbled upon truth. This truth held her hand and showed her a different way than the one she had always known. This truth took her away from the window and into the street. This truth showed her that her own greatness will strengthen if she believes in it. This truth helped her fertilize seeds of self love. This truth opened up that box of dreams for the world to see.

And it is because of that girl I once was that I have become the woman I now am.

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