Some sweet backhanding

My 21st Century Disney post seemed to be quiet popular. I decided to take some real life examples of friends, family, and myself about some common dating mishaps. We love our girl friends, we do, and no matter how many times they act like idiots by dating even bigger idiots we know we'll be there for them. We'll listen to them brag about these moron's slightly positive attributes while brushing the MASSIVE flaws under the rug. Then we'll comfort them when they cry over what was glaringly obviously coming their way much like an avalanche. As always I never reveal real names. Imagine if we spoke the truth about the men we dated, stopped using rose colored glasses, and said it how it really was....would we still date them?

Jessica: I'm a single mom. I fell in love with someone, accidentally got pregnant and three weeks before the baby was due he left me. Less than two months later I found someone else though. I fell in love with him, but after about 8 months of dating he decided he wasn't into it anymore. Three weeks later I found someone else. My baby is my top priority, but I'm young and should be allowed to take care of me too. I'm a woman with needs.

Patricia: I met this guy, fresh out of prison. He's bringing income in by dealing drugs, the very thing that got him in prison twice before. He's got five kids by three different women. He's been absent from his kid's lives but it's not really his fault, he was in prison most of that time. He's still married to baby mama #2 and hasn't made any efforts in over 10 years to get divorced even though he had a kid with another woman during that time. I think he'll be a good father if we had a kid together.

Candice: I met this guy off craigslist. Currently he's living in a 1/2 way house recovering from a crack addiction. He has no car, no job, and no money. He's got a 10 year old with his ex-wife that he hasn't consistently seen over the years because he's been too busy getting high or ending up in rehab. He stole from his last GF of 6 years, nothing major: her checkbook, her TV, and her car. He constantly sexually rejects me, but he's into Internet porn. Even though he's cheated on everyone he's ever been with I don't think he'll cheat on me. He's a great cook and a handyman, so I see this going real far.

Dana: I'm so sick of men and all the drama they bring, so I decided to go the other way. I met this hot chick off the Internet. She's got two kids with two different men. Her first baby daddy was over forty years old when she was sixteen. She actually just got pregnant again recently and isn't 100% sure who that dad is. She's been in jail a couple of times for domestic violence issues that usually involved drinking. I don't know, there's just something about her that draws me in.

Sue: I was flirting with this co-worker of mine, he caught my eye. I've dated co-workers in the past and it always blows up in my face, but I just feel this time will be different. He seems different. I work full time, but in my spare time I'm going to school to get my MBA. He spends all his spare time drinking and getting high although sometimes he likes to go camping where he'll drink and get high. He's 35 and has two roommates, one being his sister. I have my own place. But I really think we're on the same page about what we want.

Candice revisited: So things didn't work out with the other guy, but now I'm dating his friend. He has a job, an apartment, and some money. He's on parole though so he has a curfew and when he sleeps over he has to ask for permission. The parole thing isn't even that serious; he stole someones car, went drunk driving, and totaled it. Everyone makes mistakes. He's a recovering alcoholic. The way he stays away from alcohol is compensating with weed. Sometimes you gotta think outside the box. No car and no license. But no one's perfect right?

Alicia: Back in college I used to date manipulative and controlling men, but Dennis is different. He told me before we could get serious I needed to get a job, financially establish myself, and learn to live on my own. When I finally found my own place he told me his lease was up and he was moving in. Then he told me decorations he didn't like in my apartment that I should get rid of. He says I don't spend enough time with him and wants me to quit the league I'm president of. The other day he told me I was taking him to the airport, but wouldn't give me any flight details until a few hours before so I had to sit around waiting. He's just trying to help give me some positive direction and we're both happy when I listen to him.

Melissa: I've been dating my daughter's orthodontist for a couple of weeks now. I don't think it'll get awkward though.being a single mom limits my dating pool, but he's divorced and has kids of his own too. He's about twenty years older than me and told me on our first date that he wants me to stop taking birth control so we can have a baby together. I'm in love, so I think I'm going to do it!

Heather: There's this club I like to go to with my girls. The bouncer caught my eye and made sure my friends knew all about it. We started having sex on the downlow because he's private and doesn't want people knowing his bussiness. Then I found out he has a girlfriend, went public with her,and she was one of my friends! I got the upper hand though because even though he's dating her, he's still having sex with me.

Sometimes, just sometimes, we all need a good backhand from our friends.

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