Turn Out The Lights (Trial & Error Monday)

I had two major new experiences this weekend: reuniting with a friend after fifteen years AND glow-in-the dark mini golf.

Mike is someone I knew in Middle School and High School, but after his freshman/my sophomore year he moved away. It was a Facebook status message that prompted our reunion; after my Rockland trip last weekend I simply put "Back in the 518" upon my return. Mike responded that he was in the same area code, but this is a huge area, the capital district of NY to be exact so we could have been more than an hour apart. Turns out Mike lives less than 10 minutes from me!

There was an attempt to hang out last Thursday that didn't work out and honestly Saturday almost didn't work out either. But when we got together I met his lovely mom, his dog that I swear is part Mastodon, and "adult" Mike.

He whooped my ass so bad in mini golf beating me by more than twenty strokes. I joked that had this been a date he would have totally screwed up. I looooove mini golf and always get a hole-in-one once each time I play. But this was probably my worst game ever: I was playing in a short skirt and low cut tank top with wedged heels on, it was in the dark, and honestly Mike was just a far superior player. Mike knew what angles to shoot at much like in a game of pool although he "claims" he doesn't play pool that well.

Afterward I introduced him to the Triple Lindy at Moes, then we drove back to my house where we talked for hours. I didn't end up driving him home until after midnight and we decided we were going to hang out again soon. He might even go with me to my next Rockland trip in July.

1 comment:

Regina said...

Oh, that is so cool that you got to hang out with and reunite with an old friend. Sometime we think that they are lost for good but thanks to the internet we can find them. I am glad that you got to have some fun.

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