Several months back I joined a manuscript critique group through Writer's Market. The game plan was to read each manuscript in it's entirety, give a detailed written critique and try to meet up a few times on Skype to give verbal critiques. I even went out and bought a microphone for my computer for this purpose.
By chance my manuscript happened to go last. My two "partners" received timely, detailed written and oral critiques from me. I read their pieces during my lunch breaks and my days off because I was dedicated to this group and it's purpose. When my turn came I did not get the same level of respect. They both claimed they were too busy with family events, vacations, ect...
They didn't read my piece by the deadlines we all agreed on and there was only one Skype meeting where one member was missing. One of my partners didn't give any written critique on the last section of my book because they claimed "it would just be more of the same things she already told me." Ouch! I personally don't commit to something unless I feel I can follow through. I tried chasing them down via email, but the one time they were willing to Skype I happened to be unavailable, so now I was the un-cooperative one.
I'll tell you what this did to me as a writer...I stopped writing altogether. I gave up on editing my manuscript because they made me feel like shit as a writer. Apparently my manuscript was so bad and unworthy of their time. I get that this is a harsh industry and tons of agents/publishers will probably do the same thing to me, but I didn't expect it from fellow writers. And I feel used since I gave them critiques on their pieces but never fully got one on mine.
It's been months and what's done is done. They've moved on, but I'm still hurt. I worked so hard on my manuscript and really put myself out there for them to read it and help me craft it, they just abandoned me. I don't even go on anymore either...turned off by it all. How unfortunate that two people ruined the entire experience for me.
On a side note I would like to thank Claire who was my faithful chapter exchange buddy on another manuscript until my life began to unravel around me and I gave up. Thank you for your loyalty and consistent critiques.